Dear parents,

How are you today? What are you feeling at the moment?

This marathon of pandemic time brings so many impacts in the education and healthcare help for our children. Many occasion that the class in school is closed because of one or another outbreak in the group. Another appointment planned to arrange the healthcare for our children is postponed due to corona symptoms. Many therapies are halted due to the corona regulation. So many sudden changes and regulations that can make our children feel tensed. As parents, we want the best for our children. And all these changes make us frustrated, because we feel like we are hindered to give what we think are the best for our children. We worry about the progress and the wellbeing of our children with limited help and supports that we can have at this time.

Dear parents, I see your worry and frustration. Today lets we try to make a peace with our limitation. You did the best you can with all what you have for your children. You are more than enough…

Let’s make a friend with whatever feelings that we are having at these moments, and let it go when we are ready. You will be fine. Our children will be fine.

Let’s shower our children with our love, as comfort and strong pillar for them in this uncertain situation. Let’s shower ourselves with love, love ourselves that has been trying so hard to get the best for our children.

Deep hugs for you, parents. You are doing great. You are more than enough.
